I learned to use computers early on, I now have a Ph.D. In Computing, Software Programming, Hardware Repair, Website Design, and worked for a major software developer and as a senior computer engineer.
I have a few machines, mostly used for:
Software Design
Writing E-Learning programs
My novels
Web design
Photo & Video editing
Social Media
My first computer was the ZX Spectrum; it was an 8-bit personal home computer released in the United Kingdom in 1982 by Sinclair Research.
The Spectrum computer was circulated in eight different models, varying from the entry-level with 16 KB RAM, to the ZX Spectrum +3 with 128 KB RAM fitted with a built-in floppy disk drive.
Other first home computers aimed at a mainstream audience in the UK were the:
The Commodore 64
Dragon 32
BBC Micro
Amstrad CPC
I learned to program in various computer languages using the above systems.
In 1991, I migrated to a Microsoft version computer with Windows 3.0. It was an improvement on the previous systems that I learned on, but Win 3.0 lacked multimedia and network features, so Win 3.0 was quickly replaced with Win 3.1 and its appearance enhancement of the interface was immense.